Issue - 1:2000

The Rhode Agency, Inc. - Your Insurance Agency



What a great time of the year!! The grass is turning green, buds on the trees and the flowers are waking up from a long cold winter. With the warmer weather comes the bikers and walkers and more folks out and about. Motorcycles on the roads again, kids playing and so on. What all this means is we, as drivers, must pay closer attention. Slow down in residential areas and just be more alert while driving. Statistically more childeren are hit by cars in the Spring time months. So lets be more alert while driving this Spring and enjoy this wonderful time of the year.



In the unfortunate event you are ever involved in an automobile accident, here is some important information to remember. First and most important is to assess if anyone involved is injured and if there are any injuries call 911 for an ambulance promptly. Second, you should exchange information with the driver of the other vehicle involved. Here is a quick list of the information you should get from the other party and also provide to the other driver.

Name, address and phone number

Year, make and model of the car

Insurance Company name and policy number

Make a note of the exact damage as a result of the accident. Then contact your insurance agent as soon as possible following the accident.

We hope you are never involved in an automobile accident, however if you are, with the proper information the matter can be resolved in the shortest period of time.



Sometimes you should put all your eggs in one basket! Here is a case where it makes perfect sense to put all your eggs in one basket. When you insure your home and cars with the same insurance company you can save on both policy premiums. We represent companies who provide for a discount when they insure both your home and cars. If we insure one or the other, home or cars, give us a call for a quote of the other. We will show you how much you can save by allowing us to insure both your home and cars. Every little bit helps!



Well over 6,000. adults and children die each year in home fires. Most die from Smoke and toxic gasses rather the the fire itself. Many never even wake up. Most deaths could be prevented with a simple smoke alarm! Smoke detectors should be placed on the veiling or high on a wall near bedrooms. This enables the detector to sense the smoke as it approaches the sleeping areas. You should have, at least, one smoke detector for each story of your house. Additional detectors will significantly increase your chances of servival, should you ever experience a fire.



Don't forget, along with tuning up your bike make sure your insurance is current. We have excellent cycle insurance carriers who provide for many discounts to lower an already low rate. Contact us for your Motorcycle coverages. For those of you who we have, we have been notified that there will be no rate changes from last years rates. Now that's great news!!



Thinking about the warm summer days and nights? Considering a Boat? Be sure and check with us for all your Boating needs. Or if you already have a Boat, let us give you a quote for your Boat insurance needs. We have very competitive rates for all types of watercrafts.


